Monday, May 24, 2010

A Very Proud Moment

Go check out the latest issue of Brink Magazine, which includes the work of only two poets, one of whom is me:

I am very proud and pleased with this publication. Brink's editors are highly discerning and incredibly selective. They strive for a rarefied excellence on par with the great classic journals. It’s a honor to have some of my best poems appear under their auspices.

In the Editor’s Note, Sol Park, describing my work, distills the essential question in these poems: How to transmute thought into words.

I find that the better I become at channeling daemons, the more isolated I am from the mainstream. There’s a danger of drifting off. If you hold a lantern to the Id, it costs you.

I think it similar to how a shaman learns to delve into spirit world without going totally insane.

Thank you, Brink editors, for giving me this joyous eddy in the current of time.



  1. I just checked out the Brink site - and I am impressed! what a fabulous and professional, high art publication.

    Congrats on another great acceptance!

  2. Well, I'm trying to keep up with you in the wonderful-department, and it isn't easy!

