Friday, September 3, 2010

Acceptance: Phati'tude

Phati’tude Literary Magazine is a project of the IAAS, which stands for the Intercultural Alliance of Artists and Scholars. The organization is professional and varied in its approach, and seeks to use art and literature as dynamic forces to initiate and advance intercultural dialogues.

From their website:

The IAAS's primary objective is to present a forum for artists and scholars to unite under one umbrella and create literary programming that develops and explores critical thinking about cultural assumptions, immigration, and diversity. Our goal is to enhance the field of multicultural education and broaden its impact on the world, inside the classroom and, just as importantly, outside the classroom. The IAAS sees multiculturalism directly connected to our work, our lives, the communities in which we live and to our emerging global society. Using literature as a conduit, we believe artists and scholars have the power to effect and implement change and ultimately create a viable "intercultural alliance."

Programs of the IAAS include Phati’tude Literary Magazine and also Phati’tude Literary TV, which has produced two documentaries (“Visionary Voices” and “Visual Signatures”).

There is also education program called Phati’tude Language & Literary Arts Curriculum, with middle school, high school and college applications.

The driving force behind this very professional and charismatic organization, as far as I can tell, is Gabrielle David, who puts in the hard work of managing a multi-sided non-profit. I strongly recommend going to the websites to get an idea of the quality and compelling presentation:

I’m extremely honored that my poems “Justice Quest” and “Reagan’s Ghost” were accepted for the upcoming Issue Three of Phati’tude. I felt very at home submitting to this zine. Free to express a side of myself I usually keep hidden.

Below is the biography I submitted, and that might explain why.

If you are looking for a great literary magazine to support, one that is part of a larger non-profit organization founded on the importance of cultural exchange through literature and art, this is your place.

I wish I had much more time to praise the IAAS and Gabrielle David, but my life is particularly hectic right now. What else is new!



My Phati’tude bio in the upcoming Issue 3:

[Owl Who Laughs] teaches environmental ethics for the University of Maine, and does much of his writing in a hut in a remote spruce forest, fifty miles from the nearest traffic light. He lives near Deer Island, Canada where his native ancestry is buried. Although mostly ‘white’, he seeks the wisdom of the shaman, and promotes reciprocity, spirit, and empathy for the Land. It has been said of the Wabanaki that “they [are] a people remarkable for their poetic imagination,” and his obsession with poems (over five hundred published) draws from that.

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